Publications Laura Devendorf, Abigail De Kosnik, Kate Mattingly, Kimiko Ryokai. “Probing the Potential of Post-Antropocentric 3D Printing.” In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS ’16 – Best Paper Award)
Laura Devendorf and Kimiko Ryokai. 2015. Being the Machine: Redistributing Agency and Control in Hybrid Fabrication. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’15) Best Paper Honorable Mention
Laura Devendorf and Daniela Rosner. 2015. Reimagining Digital Fabrication as Performance Art. In CHI EA ’15: CHI ’15 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Laura Devendorf and Kimiko Ryokai. 2015. Redeform: Participatory 3D Printing in Public Spaces. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’15)
Laura Devendorf and Kimiko Ryokai. 2014. Being the machine: exploring new modes of making. In Proceedings of the 2014 companion publication on Designing interactive systems (DIS Companion ’14).
Presentations & Talks Crafted Conversations on the intersection of craft and technology featuring myself and Tung Chiang, SF Studio Manager of Heath Ceramics. Hosted by the American Craft Council at the Museum of Craft and Design. July 2015
Unpredictable and Slow Prototyping. Data Clay Symposium at California College of the Arts. Feb. 2015.
Being the Machine: My Journey to Become a Human 3D Printer. Autodesk Artist in Residence final presentation. Aug. 2014.
Artists In Residence Give High-Tech Projects A Human Touch. National Public Radio, All Things Considered. Apr. 2015.
Wrapping up CCA’s Symposium on Combining Experimental Form with New Materials. The Architect’s Newspaper, Blog. Jan. 2015.